Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Steps to Freedom

You know what is ironic? I've noticed this in me and in other entrepreneurs. I got started in business because I didn't want to have to work - so in order to fulfil that drive I ended up working my butt off for 25 years.

Just so you know - that is what it is going to take - working your butt off; but it is more than that.

A lot of people can work hard, and most people do work hard at the things they love. Its just that the things that most people love don't pay very well.

Let me give you an example of a college man who is one of the hardest workers I've ever known. He graduated this year with his Bachelors Degree and will be going to Grad School in the fall. He graduated at the top of his class in a very competitive school and ended up with very impressive credentials.

He decided that with the job climate this year that he would be a Gold Buyer.

It sounded easy: call on enough salons in May and early June to set up 40 Gold Parties through the balance of June, July and August.

He was told that it was a lot of work but he was used to putting in 80 to 100 hours of work between class, clinicals and homework - how tough could it be?

He tried to follow the formula in the free information that he found on www.thegoldbuyernetwork.com in the download $20,000 in 90 Days. He intended to call on 4 Salons a day until he had his 40 events booked.

He started Cold Calling because he didn't want to do as the instructions said and call everyone he knew to try to get referrals - he didn't want to bother them, perhaps he was embarrassed with what he was doing, who knows but...

The total number of calls was 6 and he was done. He couldn't take the rejection. He couldn't take the shock to his ego that the business owners didn't stand up and say "Thank God You've Come".

He is willing to work out and work as hard as anyone, but calling on business owners that he didn't know was just too much.

My cure for this comes from Brian Tracy - the first guru I ever listened to when I started out in business - I practically memorized the 6 tape program "The Psychology of Selling".:

"Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain"

I don't want to hear how tough it was after 5 or 6 calls, I might listen after 100, after 300 I'll have coffee with you, after 500 we can have a conversation, although I doubt it will be necessary by then.

Here is Coach B's training and conditioning tip for new business owners that are required to sell: Start off with baby steps and daily goals. If I am training a Gold Buyer I'm telling them to start day one and just go make friends with salon owners and go until you book 1 event on Day 1. Once you do that you are done for the day!

Day 2 - Go make friends with as many salon owners as you can and book 1 event. Once complete you are done for the day.

Days 3, 4 & 5 - Same thing

Day 6 Call all of the salon owners that DID NOT BOOK an event, tell them that 5 of their competitors booked at least one and did they want to get back together and set a date?

Day 7 Call all of the salon owners that did book a date and ask them if they know of anyone else in the business that might like to have a Gold Party to make a little extra money?.

Balance of days - follow up on all of the warm leads and referrals that you can - cold call if you must and book the balance of your events in the 1st 30 days.

Again, going back to Brian Tracy: his analogy of an airplane and a business is ideal - both expend the majority of their energy and their fuel in the take off phase - if you don't expend the energy required then you will never get off the ground - expend the energy and you will fly to the next set of issues.

Coach B

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